Gifted children



Support period 2020–

Projekt SYNAPSE nabízí školám systémovou podporu při vyhledávání a péči o nadané a aktivní žáky. Poskytuje znalosti v oblasti duševního zdraví a rozvoje silných stránek. Cílem je rozšířit počet koordinátorů podpory nadání v regionech a zajistit jejich další odborný rozvoj. Dále pak poskytnout školám celostní péči v této oblasti a nabídnout vhodný model vzdělávání.


Ba-Datel Research Academy

Support period 2019–

Values education for gifted children. Designed for kids curious about the world (from different schools in the region), the project organizes four meetings a week for children to explore the world in a way they can enjoy and find meaningful. The program encourages and motivates gifted children to deal with a lack of understanding and other issues. At the same time, the program runs in harmony with the children’s regular schools because the participants go back to school with new information that they are able to share with others and they are not cut off from their peers.

Ba-Datel Research Academy

Center for Talented Minds

Support period 2016–

CTM ONLINE PROGRAM is an excellent way to prepare for university studies at home or abroad. We give students 11–18 years of age the opportunity to compete directly with the best in the world. Our students love the challenge. It boosts their motivation, their confidence and their performance. It makes them comfortable using English as the school language.

Center for Talented Minds

Mensa CZ

Support period 2016–

Mensa Czech Republic aims to explore and develop human intelligence to benefit all of mankind, support research in the features and uses of intelligence, and develop a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members. Nadace RSJ supports The Logical Reasoning Olympiad, the psychological support on the summer camps and a conference The Education for the future.

Mensa CZ


Support period 2022

Pobytové zábavně-vzdělávací campy pro bystré děti a mladé dospělé, jejichž hlavním cílem je děti propojit s podobně laděnými a zaměřenými dětmi, dát jim možnost se osobně setkat a na podkladu her a aktivit, které jim tematicky vyhovují, rozvíjet sociální dovednosti.


Support period 2023–

Identifikace, podpora a rozvoj nadaných dětí na základě výzkumně ověřených dat. Za základní pilíř systematické podpory nadání považujeme identifikaci mimořádně nadaných žáků a vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků v oblastech podpory a rozvoje nadaných dětí. Velmi důležité je vybudovat i systém psychologické podpory rodičů těchto dětí.

Qiido Fundation

Support period 2019–

Qiido Foundation – Qiido’s partnership mentoring program for schools – Qiido Na míru – provides schools with a system and know-how for identification, teaching and development of intellectually gifted children. The project aims to build a comprehensive program with a complex and systematic approach to education, care and development of intellectually gifted children that would meet their specific educational needs. During the first year, support will be granted to Qiido’s 4 partner schools (in the Pilsen, Hradec Králové, Vysočina and Zlín Region) that, after a three-year period of intensive support, will be able to mentor other schools in the region.

Qiido Fundation

Techmania Science Center

Support period 2020

Techmania Science Center is opening two clubs for gifted elementary school students that should improve their knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and global challenges beyond the scope of a regular school curriculum. The clubs should also inspire them to become a teacher, engineer, scientist or an entrepreneur in their future professional career. Another goal is to show that this target group requires a specific approach to ensure their healthy development.

Techmania Science Center

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