
The main aim is to develop the philanthropy in Czech society.


Nadace Via

Support period 2022–

Spolupracujeme na projektu Umění darovat, jehož cílem je rozvíjet téma filantropie V ČR. Společně chceme motivovat a inspirovat společnost k tomu, aby byla filantropie, dárcovství a zájem o své okolí běžnou součástí života každého z nás.

Nadace Via

Via Clarita Endowment Fund

Support period 2022–

The mission of the Via Clarita Endowment Fund is to support the development and cultivation of philanthropy and to provide independent philanthropic advice. We fulfill it mainly by organizing educational events and networking meetings for philanthropists, and in individual consultations, some of which we provide free of charge.

Via Clarita Endowment Fund