Academic excellence
Support period | 2015– |
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Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute is a joint workplace of Charles University in Prague and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It connects education with top-level research in all areas of theoretical and empirical economics.
Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků
Support period | 2015– |
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Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků je profesní společnost, sdružující vědce, pedagogy i laické příznivce matematiky a fyziky. Její počátky sahají do roku 1862. Podporuje rozvoj matematiky a fyziky zejména popularizací a péčí o talenty.
- Česko-slovenské soustředění matematické olympiády
- Celostátní soustředění Matematické olympiády
- Matematická olympiáda
- Matematický klokan
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Support period | 2015– |
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The Beaver of Informatics is a contest organized for primary, secondary and high school students. The contest offers the possibility to compete and to popularise informatics at school and also among students – fans of computing. The main goal of the contest is to show students and their teachers the whole rank of informatics which teaching is often reduced to digital literacy training. Another aim is to show them which knowledge and skills are required from IT specialists and also turn attention to the grounfs and principles of informatics as a science so that schools would be able to form students prepared to IT university studies having an undistorted idea of „computer science studies“.
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Support period | 2015– |
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MFF UK je jednou z fakult Univerzity Karlovy, na které se kromě fyzikálních a matematických oborů vyučuje také informatika. Fakulta se pravidelně umisťuje na vysokých pozicích v žebříčcích hodnocení VŠ doma i v zahraničí.
- 8th Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications
- AlgoMaNet
- Embeddings and Extrapolation X
- European Young Statisticians Meeting
- Function Spaces and Applications XI
- Function Spaces and Lineability IX
- GDS Jam 2
- Graph Drawing
- Heidelberg-Prague Workshop in Analysis and Numerics
- Chinese-Czech Conference on Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
- International Conference on Computational Management Science
- Jarní škola kombinatoriky
- Jarní škola umělé inteligence
- Matfyz Summer of Code
- Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows (ESSAM)
- Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
- Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (ESSAM)
- Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics
- Modeling of Biomaterials
- Náboj
- Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics
- Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics
- Spring School on Variational Analysis
- Soustředění korespondenčního semináře z programování
- Soutěž diplomových prací
- Soutěž softwarově zaměřených diplomových prací
- Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry
- Stochastika
- VideoHunter@MFF
- Workshop on Model Reduction
- Winter School in Abstract Analysis – section Set Theory & Topology
- Winter School in Abstract Analysis – section Analysis
- Winter School Geometry and Physics
Institute of Mathematics CAS
Support period | 2015– |
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Matematický ústav AV ČR je veřejná výzkumná instituce, která se zabývá vědeckým výzkumem v oblastech matematiky a jejích aplikací a zajišťování infrastruktury výzkumu. Vydává odborné publikace, organizuje konference a semináře a vychovává vědecké pracovníky.
Studen Cyber Games
Support period | 2015– |
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The pIšQworky competition is part of the Student Cyber Games society that has been using student competitions to bring together school and fun since 2003. The main goal of the project is to raise self-confidence in young people, and to foster their competitiveness, logical thinking and patience. The competition is designed for middle- and high-school students. Each year, five-member teams compete in this modified version of tic-tac-toe to reach the final and win awesome prizes.