- Others bio-psycho
- Alivio Centrum
- AMIGA Agency for Migration and Adaption
- Centrum Locika
- Czech Psychiatric Society
- Children's crisis center
- E-clinic – Zippy’s Friends and Apple’s Friends
- Eko Art Therapy Institut
- Kids Helpline
- Locomotion – Movement as Prevention
- Mindlab
- Youth Doing Sports Foundation
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Nemocniční lékárny
- Nevypusť duši
- PAQ Research
Others bio-psycho
The Foundation’s priority lies in the Childhood field is namely education and healthy bio-psycho-social development in children.
Support period | 2020– |
Website |
“Gifted Children and Their Relationships in School Settings – Risks of Targeted Bullying”. AISIS is an organization that will conduct a study on the relationships and needs of gifted learners among their peers, during class and with regard to teachers. Specifically, the study will focus on the vulnerability of gifted children when it comes to targeted bullying and the risks of their aggressive behavior toward other students or teachers. The method will be verified in three schools that have completed the ‘Combating School Bullying’ program within the last three years. In addition, an event introducing the US program method ART = Aggression Replacement Training will be the first step to generate interest and implement the ART intervention approach in the Czech Republic.
Alivio Centrum
Support period | 2022 |
Website |
Alivio centrum zaměstnává ukrajinské psycholožky, které poskytují bezplatnou psychologickou pomoc dětem zasaženým válkou na Ukrajině. Včasnou péčí usiluje o snížení rizika rozvoje duševních onemocnění a snazší adaptaci v Česku.
AMIGA Agency for Migration and Adaption
Support period | 2022 |
Website |
Cílem projektu je vytvoření komplexního systému psychosociální podpory pro ukrajinské uprchlíky přicházející do Česka. Do péče o duševní zdraví spolek AMIGA zapojuje i nově příchozí psychology a terapeuty z Ukrajiny.
Centrum Locika
Support period | 2022 |
Website |
Krizový tým Centra Locika poskytuje psychologickou péči dětem ohroženým traumatem v důsledku války na Ukrajině. Včasnou pomocí usiluje o snížení rizika rozvoje posttraumatické stresové poruchy a rychlejší adaptaci uprchlíků do českého prostředí.
Czech Psychiatric Society
Support period | 2018 |
Website |
The project centers on mental health care in children and youth, especially, making care more accessible and providing mental health training for professionals and the general public. Specific steps include: IACAPAP congress, lectures by international experts for the public, publication of educational materials, as well as consultancy services.
Children's crisis center
Support period | 2020 |
Website |
Dětské krizové centrum mohla díky naší podpoře navýšit kapacitu Okamžité krizové pomoci a chatovací služby Linky důvěry. Další nedílnou součástí je zvýšení informovanosti dětí o službách Dětského krizového centra a podpora dětí ve využívání odborných služeb, k čemuž má pomoci online kampaň „Pomoc existuje“.
E-clinic – Zippy’s Friends and Apple’s Friends
Support period | 2019– |
Website |
The project focuses on the development of mental wellbeing in children of preschool and elementary school age. Evidence-based, evaluated teaching materials are used to train teachers, school psychologists and other experts who work with children. Individual program modules help children to develop social skills and coping strategies that are a proven way to improve their present and future mental wellbeing and also help to prevent risk behaviors and mental health problems.
Eko Art Therapy Institut
Support period | 2022 |
Website |
Projekt poskytuje terapeutickou podporu ukrajinským dětem a jejich blízkým prostřednictvím psychoterapeutického směru eko arteterapie, který využívá propojení výtvarné tvorby s reflektovaným pobytem v přírodě.
Kids Helpline
Support period | 2019– |
Website |
A crisis phone service for children and young people that has been operating for 25 years. This nationwide service is free of charge. Every day, approx. 500 kids who dial our number 116 111 receive counseling but some 1000 more cannot get through. That’s why we would like to increase our operation in order to maximize the capacity of our existing IT equipment. This will allow us to provide support to more children, and tackle a variety of emerging issues, such as cyberbullying, self-harm and more.
Locomotion – Movement as Prevention
Support period | 2020 |
Website |
The project aims to increase physical activity in our population, starting from a very young age. For three years, we have been implementing our project of everyday physical exercise in preschool children across the Czech Republic in order to encourage healthy psychomotor development, and to improve their social relationships, fitness and immune system. Insufficient physical activity leads to health issues, which then puts a greater strain on our healthcare system. Using government accredited workshops and physical exercise modules, we are trying to promote healthy and pain-free ways to exercise. Our program is designed for parents as well as for teachers. Children are given physical assessment at the beginning and end of the program and the data then serves for the purposes of the Ministry of Health. Our project is the only one of its kind in the country.
Support period | 2022– |
Website |
Podpora ukrajinské verze webu Psychologie.cz, která nabízí podporu a osvětu formou terapeuticky působících článků, které tvoří čeští a ukrajinští psychologové a psychoterapeuti.
Youth Doing Sports Foundation
Support period | 2015– |
Website |
Our support of the “1P Movement – A part of the initiation of children’s interest in movement and sport” (“Pohyb 1P - součást iniciace zájmu dětí o pohyb a sport”) project originates from the many findings regarding obesity and physical inactivity that have a negative impact on the overall health conditions of the Czech population. These projects aim to identify the motor skills of pre-school children, with immediate evaluations provided to parents and kindergartens. Included in the project is an awareness program for parents, regarding the importance of sports and physical literacy that leads to a healthy, active lifestyle. The information also includes an offer of sports activities in their areas, as well as heath warnings (eyesight, tendencies toward obesity) and recommended nutritional solutions.
1P is executed in collaboration with students and employees at the University of West Bohemia and the Higher Professional School Pilsen. It has long-term support from both local and regional levels. Projects Kindergarden Olympics (Školkiáda), Motion Prerequisites 2P (Pohybové Předpoklady 2P) and Sport Festival (Festival Sportu) follow up with support of the NSM. 1P activities are also applicable within other regions of the Czech Republic.
National Institute of Mental Health
Support period | 2018– |
Website |
The project aims to integrate quality psychosocial education into elementary schools that involves systematic care for personal and social development in children. The project should include teaching plans for psychosocial skills, mental disease prevention and mental hygiene in children and youth as part of elementary school curriculum.
Nemocniční lékárny
Support period | 2022 |
Nadace RSJ finančně podpořila nákup léků pro psychiatrické pacienty Národní dětské nemocnice v Kyjevě. Pomoc válkou zasažené Ukrajinské nemocnici zorganizoval ředitel Dětské psychiatrické nemocnice Opařany a člen našeho kolegia MUDr. Michal Goetz.
Nevypusť duši
Support period | 2018– |
Website |
The goal of this project is to educate high-school teachers and students (ages 12+) about mental health and mental illness, destigmatize mental disorders, and raise awareness of the importance and methods of prevention, and the possibilities of seeking out professional help when dealing with mental issues. The project consists of workshops designed for a single class, conducted by 2 instructors over a 5-lesson period. In 2018/2019, there are 50 workshops planned, to be attended by approx. 1500 students.
PAQ Research
Support period | 2022 |
Website |
Projekt zmapuje stav duševního zdraví ukrajinských uprchlíků v Česku a jejich potřeby v této oblasti. Výzkum se zaměřuje mimo jiné na projevy posttraumatických stresových poruch, úzkostí, depresí a dalších duševních onemocnění.